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    Well, you can use memoization on this kata (Not the linear version though), so DP is a valid tag.

    I guess I can add the mathematics tag to the kata.

    Edit: Done

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    You can make it with DP if you're observant enough and make enough tables to look at. (That's how I initially solved this kata. Though OEIS and other previous experiences of sequences also helped.)

    The more performance heavy linear version, though, actually requires mathematics.

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    I found same solution after a long time. I think the label "DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING" is kind of confusing.
    All the solutions in python are the same way.
    maybe the label "math" or something else is better?

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    I think the label "DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING" is improper. I can't make it with DP.

    In fact I think it is more like a math problem.

    I don't know whether the reason is that I use python so I can't make it with DP.