You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. This is an equation based on math equations since the discovery of Euler's number in the 1700's. It's probably the easiest way to solve this problem, provided you understand the math and remember the formula. Personally, I solved this w/ a while loop b/c I couldn't remember the formula w/o checking, but your analysis is f-----g absurd.
I didn't include the type guard in mine and must have hallucianted that they'd put the positive integer as a constraint in the problem. Nice job, this is the best answer.
Nice job getting a one line solution and your mom to create a codewars account to give you a 'Best Practices' upvote :)
no it won't b/c adding a positive to a negative side could pass one equality check, but not all 3 together, that's what makes this one a solid pick.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. This is an equation based on math equations since the discovery of Euler's number in the 1700's. It's probably the easiest way to solve this problem, provided you understand the math and remember the formula. Personally, I solved this w/ a while loop b/c I couldn't remember the formula w/o checking, but your analysis is f-----g absurd.
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Yeah it was very humbling to say the least.
Your head must have exploded...
I didn't include the type guard in mine and must have hallucianted that they'd put the positive integer as a constraint in the problem. Nice job, this is the best answer.
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very concise