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    Good kata, but the tests are sometimes confusing and it's not clear what the problem is.

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    There is no precision for the output of 2 digits implemented

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    I dont understand a bit what should I return. Bolean or string? I return boolean, it asks for string.

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    This problem still exists, at least for Javascript. Sometimes the random tests catch it and sometimes not.

    Even when my code failed on the following, it still passed the full test suite.

    Test.expect(!oneCharDifference('abcd', 'dcbe'), 'abcd and dcba differ by more than one letter')

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    I am aware of the concept of the challenge and that the desired output for the challenge is a Boolean

    I am also aware that there is the capacity to output a pre-determinated message if a test fails


    What I am finding is that no matter what I ask the function to return I don't see what I am asking it to return

    I am therefore kindly asking yourself to review the programming behind this challenge

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    Sample tests are designed to print a determinated message for each failed test, explaining why the expected answer is true or false. If your code returns the good answer, fine. If you return a bad answer, you receive a message. Is it incorrect?

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    I am finding that it does not matter what data format I am trying to return - whether it be Boolean, String etc - the same outcome is occurring

    On that basis, I am respectfully compelled to the conclusion that the tests are not programmed correctly

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    You must return a boolean (true/false). The log tells you 'grant and gant vary by one letter', which means, considering the task you are asked to do, the expected answer is true, and your function didn´t return it. Maybe tests could be better designed, but what you are testing with returning a string doesn't make much sense either. Additionally, you don't provide anything that would tend to prove tests are not working.

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    Can the author of this Kata please review the programming behind the tests on this challenge

    I am finding that even if I ask the function to return a random piece of text - like return "Hello!" - I don't see the usual 'actual "Hello!" expected ...' but instaead I simply get a comment message saying something like 'grant and gant vary by one letter'

    On that basis, I am doubtful that the test cases are working properly, as I cannot seem to return anything - regardless of whether or not it is the right answer

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    Here's the test that I suggest to add (Haskell) which I believe is correct. My solution fails it but still passes current full test suite.

        it "one letter diff, others shuffled" $ do
          aSmallDifference "word" "crow" `shouldBe` False
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    Could you give an example? I guess you don't check letters positions, but you check they are in equal numbers... I can hardly imagine a solution that would check only set of letters and would pass all tests...

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    @FArekkusu he's not asking of what the specs is, he's asking why the specs is that way.

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