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    I think its probably numbers like 999, 999_999, etc. theyre monotone and output should be "2"
    but at the same time theyre 1 mile away from being a big number so output could either be "1".

    In my solution I got failed test whenever I prioritise "yes" or "almost" output (1 or 2). When I prioritise "1" - error told me the output should be "2" and vice versa.

    upd: my bad, its not 999 and 99999 etc. numbers problem. Its solvable in Java if you pay close attention to task description :-)

  • Default User Avatar

    OK, modified. Note: that warning doesn't prevent you to pass since it is only a warning. Unfortunately your code is wrong. Cheers.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Your solution has probably a bug which makes it fail sometimes one scenario, and sometimes the other.
    You can post your code here for us to check, or you can go to #haskell or #help-solve on Codewars Discord and ask for help with finding your mistake.

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    I just solved the kata and did not have any problems with it.
    What exactly you think makes it unsolvable?

    You should prioritize Yes over Almost in case when n and any of n+1 or n+2 are both interesting number.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Which language, which numbers?