it basicly counts up every symbol in a string and returns the letter that repeats the same amount of times. if there are some letters that are all repeated the least, it returns the first one that appeared. if the amount of each symbol's repetition is the same, it returns None.
JavaScript has committed hard to backwards compatability. Python has been my main language at work this year and the compatability issues are a nightmare.
never knew
would evaluate like that with bitwise ops. meanwhileundefiend + 1
I frequently forget about the bitwise comparators | and &
The best practicle is not use tested function for make test content: if you function got same error it can make false negative test case.
it basicly counts up every symbol in a string and returns the letter that repeats the same amount of times. if there are some letters that are all repeated the least, it returns the first one that appeared. if the amount of each symbol's repetition is the same, it returns None.
I'm a beginner here. Could anyone tell me what the purpose of this program is?
guys, don't take it seriously, it was just a joke. I like both JS and Python equally, I just feel more productive with Python then with JS.
JavaScript has committed hard to backwards compatability. Python has been my main language at work this year and the compatability issues are a nightmare.
I understand that take, but not from a JavaScript developer. I'm intrigued. What do you think makes it worse than JavaScript?
Python is the worst. I really can't stand it most of the time but I am cursed with having to use it.