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    look more carefuly at the description : it mentions the method getNext() to get the next node. So, in order to get the next node, you can do node = node.getNext().

    the node object is given as an argument, and is an instance of a custom class defined somewhere else.
    As the challenge require you don't modify these, it does not really matter what its implementation is.

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    I'm kinda lost with the input format here. Looking at the test cases, I'm not really getting it. Is there like a ready-made object I should be using, or am I just missing something?

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    Fun kata, but why it has to be written as an method of object in C++?

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    Great kata in C++ but for other languages (like python) it can be a little too easy for a 6 kyu.

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    My first solution to C++ kata that is the same as any other solution <3

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    Do you remeber what was the problem? I have the same problem now and idk what's wrong.

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    I conducted the same test in my editor on my PC. I encrypted "This is a test!" and then decrypted it. I compared it (using ==) to the original value. They are the same, so I believe the issue does not involve white spaces.

    Edit: Nvm I performed the test above for n=0. It doesn't work for n>0. However, it's not the white spaces; I changed them all to underscores and there are none. So I don't have idea what's the problem. The only thing that comes to my mind is different encoding but I didin't changed it so idk why It would change itself.

    Edit 2: I've identified another issue and resolved it. Interestingly, this solution also solved the previous problem. However, I'm unsure why, as the program should have functioned correctly for the example provided in the earlier issue.

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    I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Encrypting wokrs fine but I get error in decrypting:

    Expected: equal to "This is a test!"
    Actual: "This is a test!

    It looks the same to me?
    Language: C++

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    Why should the solution be written as a class method rather than a regular function? In my opinion, it is unnecessary and creates unnecessary confusion. As someone who is just starting to learn C++, I spent more time getting the solution into the desired form than on the algorithm itself solving the task.

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    Very fun kata, a little to easy for 6kyu.

    Idk why people had a problem to understand the task. I didn't know what is a deadfish either but by looking at a description of kata and examples I didn't had to.

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    What is difference between Laint and katakana alphabet?

    It works fine on Latin alphabet so I dont have idea why it doesn't work on katakana

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    Checking stats, expecting: 100 exp, level 1
    [1, 100, 'Pushover', ['Do ten push-ups', 'Survive one night at the Forest of Death', 'Mastered the Spirit Bomb', 'Mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu', 'Mastered the Spirit Gun', 'Mastered the Perfect Roundhouse Kick', 'Defeat The Four Horsemen', 'Win the Intergalaxtic Tournament', 'Fight Superman to a draw', 'Defeat Superman']] should equal [1, 100, 'Pushover', []]
    I don't understand why when creating new objects they are given the achievements of all previous warriors, please help

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    It's my favorite kata so far :D

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