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    Bringing accuracy to:

    Simple random tests (10 of 10 statements)
    Medium random tests (18 of 20 statements)
    Hard random tests (100 of 100 statements)

    Can't figure out what's wrong.
    What a challenge!!!

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    Nope I meant this part

    person = [7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6]
    house_price = 100
    result = calculate_cost_per_person(person, house_price) 
    # result == {1: 10, 2: 23, 4: 52, 5: 69, 6: 89, 7: 114}

    As translations might be added in future, the terms used should be generalized (better remove function signatures of specific languages and replace naming variables with pure words like house price

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    Description should be language-agnostic (changing language specific blocks to general examples)

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    Yes, the medium tests are needed to check if the rounding is correct.

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    Hello, I've run into a strange situation.

    Simple random tests (10 of 10 Assertions)
    Medium random tests (1 of 20 Assertions)
    Hard random tests (100 of 100 Assertions)

    Is there a difference in how these tests work?