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    I'm not entirely sure why you're doing that checking. You shouldn't need all those chars.

    That being said, dunno if you need \' and you don't have \\.

    Other than that, you'd probably need to tell us what lang you're in. If you're not totally sure this is where the error is, we'll also need to see more code.

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    I could use some help with this error, my code seems to work in my own IDE but on the site I get the error:
    error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII
    private static final String SYMBOLS = "|!"??$%&/()=?^\'[]{}#@+-*/<>,.;:_ 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n\t~`";

    Does anyone know why this error is occuring only the codewars ide?