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    Is it bad practice to throw errors without handling them or just bad practice to throw them period? I happened upon your comment and I ended up searching the internet for clarification :)

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    Dont forget to remove the comments in the initial solution editor. Hopefully you don't do what I did and pushed the comments, "//Your Code Here", to the next line instead of completely removing them thinking it was an SQL comment and then proceeded to submit the solution, it's not an SQL comment. :)
    Since I pushed it to the next line, it seems like the interpretor processed my insert then silently or gracefully exited afterwords without processing the subsequent SELECT statement at the bottom. I was bamboozled for a bit, more than I'd like to admit.

    // Your code here (not an SQL comment; the interpretor will error out--hopefully not silently)
    -- Your code here (SQL comment the SQL interpretor will skip)

    My Example:

    'Dont forget to remove the forward slash comments below when you do the insert'
    FROM participants;

    //Your Code Here

    SELECT * FROM participants;

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    It was magic to me until you gave a detailed explanation. Thanks for that!