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    learn about default parameters

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    Asking for help != kata issue.

    I can't just give out the answer, but you could try using search engine (like Google) to search for this.

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    'Looks like you've solved it'

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    Thank you for making this kata. I am a noob and although I have run into runtime optimization/refactorization in theory, this is the first time I ran into a syntatically and semantically correct code still being unsatisfactory because it is just too inefficient. That becomes obviously of great importance as the complexity scales with increasing size of input. My code still worked, but upon reviewing it I saw many things I could have done differently, and better.A lot was redundant and just unecessary. Thank you for making me better. I hope with many thousands of hours of practice I can reach your level one day. Sometimes I get frustrated because I can instantly visualize the most elegant solution when I encounter a problem, and other times I flounder to write code that turns out to work but that still is very shitty. However I find that in those instances of struggle I become much better. I still have so much improvement to make, and that excites me.

    TLDR: being in the presence of those better than oneself makes one better

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    Take into account: If the savings from choosing B are less than 1 full integer, it's NOT worth it YET to John.

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