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    I wasn't really expecting that one to be added, but maybe a somewhat more strenuous test is needed to weed out attempts (like my first) that are actually plain wrong.

    EDIT: Also, I just looked, the 2kyu version doesn't include Javascript, which is a shame. Not there yet with Python.

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    I re-submitted a solution, since although my original passed the tests, it would have definitely failed on some puzzles. E.g. the (supposed) hardest ever puzzle (below).

    var puzzle = [
    var solution = [

    It's probably too late but maybe harder tests might filter out false solutions like my original submission.

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    And ... it works.

    Not sure what to take from this, except 'turn it off and on again' :)

    Thanks a lot for sticking with this.

    Ps. I will look at some of the amazingly concise solutions for some of the tools you mentioned.

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    I updated it with a much smaller example (and put the back-ticks in).

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    I was trying to fulfill the bonus bits ...

    -Avoid creating an array whose memory footprint is roughly as big as the input text.
    -Avoid sorting the entire array of unique words.

    Hers's an example of input that fails:

    'BxhhnNv':,?'BxhhnNv'._.?.'BxhhnNv'.'BxhhnNv'??'BxhhnNv',,,!;'BxhhnNv'-'BxhhnNv'-;'BxhhnNv'_-'BxhhnNv'..!,!'BxhhnNv'._: -'BxhhnNv'-;'BxhhnNv';'BxhhnNv'_'BxhhnNv':..,.'BxhhnNv'_,??

    The fail message is:

    Incorrect match: words not present in the string. Your output: ['bxhhnnv']. One possible valid answer: ["'bxhhnnv'"]

    As I say though, locally I get the valid answer.

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    Thanks for that, I ended up using a html pre tag - it's readable now.

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    Is there a help section for formatting these text boxes?

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    I didn't know about the spoiler tag -> no notification. I'll post my code in a seperate reply and spoiler tag that.

    Anyway, I'm not using global variables and I'm not sure what you mean by hidden variables. Also, I did try to look through the changelog - there was nothing that stood out to me.

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    I'm getting some fails that only occur on the server when one or more of the returned words contain an apostrophe.

    For example, Incorrect match: words not present in the string. Your output: ['xlo', "u'y", 'wfwzsg']. One possible valid answer: ['xlo', "u'ywfwzsg", 'ndqih']

    But, when I run this example locally (PyCharm, Windows), I get output ['xlo', "u'ywfwzsg", 'ndqih'].

    Can anyone help me understand why this is happening?

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    Got it. Thanks.

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    Example test case: no_musical(2040, 2174, 3, 17) which is supposed to result in 0 classes missing musicals.

    But, seeing that the last musical occurs in year 2172, surely the classes of 2173, 2174 both miss out, hence the result should be - at least - 2.

    Btw, I've labelled this as a question as I may have misunderstood something.

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    Thanks for this. Forced me to learn about a new toy.

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