thanks, I've had a read though again and I think some parts are starting to click in terms of how a value might be more odd but I'm still not there. Trying to infer the intent of the spec isn't what I'm after from Kata's atm, perhaps it's one for a rainy day.
That said, time have a noise at those comments :-P
Kudos to the author for the continued involvement though, an I've certainly enjoyed some of your other Kata.
actually had me scratching my head for a suprisingly long time especially considering the level, once it you get your head around the process though it's a neat little kata
using the initial value parameter for the reduce method is an elegant way of handling the empty array scenarios. Something new I've learn't today, thanks.
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I always forget that objects can be accessed like arrays in JS and used the somewhat redundant Object.keys(pairs)[x] approach instead of pairs[x]
thanks, I've had a read though again and I think some parts are starting to click in terms of how a value might be more odd but I'm still not there. Trying to infer the intent of the spec isn't what I'm after from Kata's atm, perhaps it's one for a rainy day.
That said, time have a noise at those comments :-P
Kudos to the author for the continued involvement though, an I've certainly enjoyed some of your other Kata.
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I know it's supposed to be a puzzle but I wish it didn't just feel like a really bad spec.
wish I saw this before I spent an hour trying to decide if my math was wrong
actually had me scratching my head for a suprisingly long time especially considering the level, once it you get your head around the process though it's a neat little kata
for the memes!
oh nice, I so prefer the idea of using matches than splitting the string into words
and I saw it this morning in just one of my attempts
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using the initial value parameter for the reduce method is an elegant way of handling the empty array scenarios. Something new I've learn't today, thanks.
yup, still can't make sense of it after understanding the solutions.
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