VERRY minor issue, in the java version in this kata, the List class is not imported, and as such gives an error, can be solved by adding:
import java.util.List;
Umm I cant see if others have marked this as an issue because I can't complete the kata, but in java whenever atempting to complete the challenge I got this error code, "java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()" because "[]" is null
VERRY minor issue, in the java version in this kata, the List class is not imported, and as such gives an error, can be solved by adding:
import java.util.List;
Personal not a fan of using std. It shows more intent, and you avoid bugs with name collisions
Huh, didn't know string builder constructor had a parameter.
.002 milisecond time save lol.
Ok I see the issue thank you!
Your solution has a bug, it returns wrong answer for this array:
[1, 1, 1, 2]
.It is not a kata issue.
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I cannot check your issue and fix the kata without knowing your failing code, sorry.
Java: attempt, test 2, might have more than 1 unique numbers, expecting <7.0> was <8.0>, not sure though, code works for all other tests
._. Oh my, oh no, HOW LONG DID THIS TAKE????
Hello! The java version requires the import java.util.hashMap; as well as import java.util.Map; it throws a an error with out it.
Thanks! just reailzed what i did wrong
the array may contain
values in JavaUmm I cant see if others have marked this as an issue because I can't complete the kata, but in java whenever atempting to complete the challenge I got this error code, "java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()" because "[]" is null
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