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    Beautiful kata, thanks!

  • Custom User Avatar

    The trivial solution that's spoilered in the example tests will fail on the real tests:

      prop "returns the correct result for small numbers" $ 
        \(Positive (Small x)) (Positive (Small y)) (Positive (Small a)) (Positive (Small b)) ->
          (x, y) `comparePowers` (a, b) `shouldBe` (fromIntegral x ^ y) `compare` (fromIntegral a ^ b :: Integer)
     -- trivial comparison, actually computes both ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    You can approve the translation without any problems ^^".

  • Default User Avatar

    As someone fairly new, I'm not sure this is appropriate as a '7th kyu' kata. I managed the first step of writing code to pass the initial tests but couldn't figure out or even understand how to compare the massive exponents. Maybe this should be reclassified?

  • Custom User Avatar

    The trick is solving it in another way, so that it won't either time out or come up to Infinity vs Infinity.

  • Default User Avatar

    The random tests for Javascript are so large that they return as Infinity so even if one number is larger than the other, Infinity compared to Infinity will always return as equal. Example: [ 3704, 8110 ], [ 8893, 5636 ]

  • Custom User Avatar

    I don't get it: what fails with large numbers? I assume the translation is ok, so what I need to know before approving it?

  • Custom User Avatar

    All fixed, sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Custom User Avatar

    Fixed, try now!

  • Custom User Avatar

    Fixed, thanks for your feed and see if anything else happens again :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    Try now, it should be fixed :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    Fixed, thanks!

  • Default User Avatar

    The test case for [1,7], [1,8] in the Javascript kata is wrong. It is expecting 1 when it should expect 0.

  • Default User Avatar

    Ahh ok, I thought it might be, but I was unsure which numbers were being tested, I guess i'll come back to it, ta!

  • Custom User Avatar

    I believe this is actually an issue with the test cases themselves, as some people have pointed out already.
    The test case in question uses the parameters [1, 7] and [1, 8], which should return 0 but the test case wrongly expects 1.

  • Custom User Avatar

    See below. This has been reported twice already ^^".

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