excellent kata
Fancy series on computer programming algorithms.
Rejected for using outdated language version.
Forking is still possible, so no work is necessarily lost.
OP solved it, closing
Hey there! Thanks for trying it out! Glad you enjoyed it. Make sure you also check out the next one in the series. Cheers!
Thanks for this nice kata! Enjoyed solving it.
@PR3SS F Thanks for the kind words. Hope you enjoyed the Kata. Make sure you give the next challenge in the series a try! Cheers!
@avermakov You have a point here! XDDD
Anything is implementable in Excel if try hard enough :DD
Stop whining, all good here. Understanding complex text comes along side with programming. Business people don't talk programming :) Besides logic for the solution is implementable in excel...
Thank you for the fix. Cheers!
Thanks for pointing it out. Also, akar-0, thanks for the fix. Cheers!
Glad you gave it a try. Hope you enjoyed it after all :).
This logic had me stumped until I realized we are calculating man-minutes not calender time
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excellent kata
Fancy series on computer programming algorithms.
Rejected for using outdated language version.
Forking is still possible, so no work is necessarily lost.
OP solved it, closing
Hey there! Thanks for trying it out! Glad you enjoyed it. Make sure you also check out the next one in the series. Cheers!
Thanks for this nice kata! Enjoyed solving it.
OP solved it, closing
@PR3SS F Thanks for the kind words. Hope you enjoyed the Kata. Make sure you give the next challenge in the series a try! Cheers!
@avermakov You have a point here! XDDD
Anything is implementable in Excel if try hard enough :DD
Stop whining, all good here.
Understanding complex text comes along side with programming. Business people don't talk programming :)
Besides logic for the solution is implementable in excel...
Thank you for the fix. Cheers!
Thanks for pointing it out. Also, akar-0, thanks for the fix. Cheers!
Glad you gave it a try. Hope you enjoyed it after all :).
This logic had me stumped until I realized we are calculating man-minutes not calender time
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