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    I think this is the first test that uses a unicode marker - might want to check your solution handles unicode?

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    Failing test on a unicode character - probably worth mentioning that the comment marker may be unicode, especially in python as current codewars version of python (2.7) has poor unicode support. I also think quite a few people won't expect a unicode comment marker.

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    Python - my code works in the initial tests, but on hitting submit:

    Testing with lowercase latin alphabet
    Password of 'password'
    in encode
    NameError: global name 'key' is not defined

    Are the tests initiating the test data correctly?

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    That was what I wondered, I just failed to find a reference to the environment set up. I'll adjust and see if I can fix. Thanks!

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    Finding some really weird things going with this in python. I have a script that works perfectly when run in python 3.4, but the tests retrun all sorts of strange errors. Doing a little playing I note that python here versus on the desktop executes some math slightly differently for example var = tn/n where tn=1 and n=3 as integers in python on my workstation var=0.3333333333, here it returns 0.