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    Great Kata. I always neglected some concepts in python and this kata made me realise how important they can be. I was stuck doing closures and didn't know how to properly evaluate the function when no more arguments were supplied (essentially my function needed an extra empty () ). Well now I learnt something new the hard way so I won't be forgetting it any time soon.

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    Without spoiling too much, you can define ranges you want to check using the tests. Start with a small one and then adjust it (lower and upper bound) accordingly.

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    Eh, yeah. (That's my reaction after solving this). Well, it is a very good kata in the sense that it made me realise that I need to approach things with a more relaxed stance. All in all, humbling and satisfying.

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    To be honest I don't know either that's why I suggested "trying" withoput pointing out a potential "mistake/useless operation" (I have tried the same thing and it times out compared to the += approach and the two solutions have 8 secs difference between them). I have tried to time both approaches on my local machine and it seems to be minor. Theoretically, I don't think there is a difference because strings are immutable and both approaches should create a new string (as far as I understand). I am looking through the cpython github and if I find something I will update the thread.

    Update: I have tried OP's solution as is and it timed out. I have tried the inplace addition and reversing and it worked. I have also tried appending (without inplacing) but at the end and not the beginning then reversing and it also worked. So that seems to be what makes a difference. I am not sure how strings are implemented in python (probably linked lists or something similar) but once I can find the source code for (which I couldn't find, can't find a "_string" file on the github repo) I will update my reply.

    Update 2: Check this stack overflow thread : In the accepted answer's footnote there is a mention of an optimisation to string concatenation. In short when you define two string strA and strB, cpython will avoid creating a new copy when using strA = strA + strB or strA+=strB but not when using strA = strB + strA (prepending). This is in line with what I found so I think it is correct. I hope This helps. Take it with a grain of salt though.

    If anyone has a better answer or explanation, then please correct me and/or append to the thread.

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    Cool, thanks. I have refactored the solution to handle them now.

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    Python tests don't seem to include negative widths/heights, my solution passes all tests but it never checks for any negative width or height (Per my understanding, a negative height is when the sum of a row or a column is negative and the root operation cannot be performed). If my observation is correct, I think some fixed tests should be added for negative widths/heights.

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    Can anyone please approve the python translation ? I am not ready to learn javascript just to remove this kata from my unfinished list hh.

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