when u use listOfNumbers.remove(i); it removes and replace with next indexed number. So u need to check it again but u dont.
When u check it from end to start u needn't to check again cause of all from the end always checked.
Lists work not as arrays and have not fixed length.
@natan and @dolamroth thanks for clearing my doubt
I already Checked the solution in my kata solution it's working fine. I have an issue that the output of math. float(div) and int(div) and floor division are the same in small values but it's failing in large number value so I just asked in this answer. I cant do this in forked beacuse its gonaa faill
Don't make this answer a spoiler.
so many people have the same doubt as me so from this they easily understand why these things did not work here only floor division (//) work.
Integers in Python 3 are by default not bounded, i.e. memory is allocated dynamically upon request. However, floats are limited to double precision (64 bits), so there are rounding errors.
look at the values involved in the failing tests
you need to be able to exactly represent them through all your intermediary results
in general, if something has to do with integers then you shouldn't ever involve float and if you "accidentally" get a float the answer is never to convert it back to int
I marked your post as containing spoilers.
When you test out the solutions of other people, please do so in a fork. Right now you have THIS solution as YOUR solution since you ran it in the kata itself.
Can u pls explain
What a amzing trick .
hahaha you are right but this is what codewars is about to use your brain and give your best
just beautiful
when u use listOfNumbers.remove(i); it removes and replace with next indexed number. So u need to check it again but u dont.
When u check it from end to start u needn't to check again cause of all from the end always checked.
Lists work not as arrays and have not fixed length.
man you just end this
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
You just help me to solve this answer in just 2 min thanks :) amazing hint
Great :)
oh man its fcking great answer :) i miss the way
no man i did this so short .. fckk you win :( . Thats a insane approch :) gg
@natan and @dolamroth thanks for clearing my doubt
I already Checked the solution in my kata solution it's working fine. I have an issue that the output of math. float(div) and int(div) and floor division are the same in small values but it's failing in large number value so I just asked in this answer. I cant do this in forked beacuse its gonaa faill
Don't make this answer a spoiler.
so many people have the same doubt as me so from this they easily understand why these things did not work here only floor division (//) work.
That was the case in python 2 as well though wasn't it?
They visibly changed their python type, but that is a mostly cosmetic difference.
Integers in Python 3 are by default not bounded, i.e. memory is allocated dynamically upon request. However, floats are limited to double precision (64 bits), so there are rounding errors.
look at the values involved in the failing tests
you need to be able to exactly represent them through all your intermediary results
in general, if something has to do with integers then you shouldn't ever involve float and if you "accidentally" get a float the answer is never to convert it back to int
I marked your post as containing spoilers.
When you test out the solutions of other people, please do so in a fork. Right now you have THIS solution as YOUR solution since you ran it in the kata itself.
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