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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    There are no issues with the Python version of this Kata since I was able to complete it without any issues. Perhaps you may want to post your current solution here and mark it as a spoiler so that other Codewarriors may help you figure out where the problem is in your code.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Morse Code for SOS is passed as ···−−−···

    Not possible. The C translation does not use these characters.

  • Default User Avatar

    Training in PostgreSQL 9.6

    Expected 17, Got 0

    Factorial of what number is 17? The question expects something it doesn't explain. Why should the function return 3 values?

  • Default User Avatar

    Training in Python 3.

    I don't know what I am doing wrong but my code times out on Attempt. I tried to see code and input using print to console, couldn't see input for many test cases.

    Only thing I was able to figure out was if I remove + chr(255) from the first test case in Sample Tests, I get a timeout because the value at pointer ends up as 1 everytime it gets to [.

    If that is an issue, how can that be handled?

  • Default User Avatar

    Training in C

    Morse Code for SOS is passed as ···−−−··· in one of the test cases while the morse array has SOS as ...---....
    If you look closely ···−−−··· is not ...---.... They are different characters.

    Shouldn't this test case be fixed?