I know it cannot be changed. I was sharing my feelings about the kata based on the fact that all 5kyu katas i've solved were easier than this and for sure 6kyu even easier.
Obviously that's my point of view and it's possible that i struggled with coming up with the algorithm this time.
Understood :)
Don't use the 'suggestion' tag for this 'feeling'. :)
I know it cannot be changed. I was sharing my feelings about the kata based on the fact that all 5kyu katas i've solved were easier than this and for sure 6kyu even easier.
Obviously that's my point of view and it's possible that i struggled with coming up with the algorithm this time.
Thanks for your thoughts
Difficulty ranks cannot be changed, and it’s not a 4kyu kata, not even 5kyu.
hard and fun to code, but this is above 5kuy, i'd say 4 kyu
when i'm asked for things that should be illegal and are not, this will come to my mind hahaha
added to CoffeeScript
Lua translation!
unfortunately, ranks are shared across languages and cannot be changed.
For Python at least it's too easy for 6 kyu and too hard for 8 kyu. I think it should probably be 7kyu.