  • Custom User Avatar

    Of course... how didn't I see this.
    Had a brain fart I guess ;).


  • Custom User Avatar

    That's not the input of a single test, you're seeing the input of several tests there. The tests are ok in Java:

    Java Completions 6044

            assertEquals(3,Kata.findEvenIndex(new int[] {1,2,3,4,3,2,1}));
            assertEquals(1,Kata.findEvenIndex(new int[] {1,100,50,-51,1,1}));
            assertEquals(-1,Kata.findEvenIndex(new int[] {1,2,3,4,5,6}));


  • Custom User Avatar

    This is array that is run in tests:
    Somehow expected value is 1 when sum of it is -12924 so even if I'm at index 1 the amount on the right side of it is -12923 and it is not equal 1.
    Please fix it.