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    I can use stoi.
    For this you don't have to include anything. Just put the "std::" in front of it and don't forget to give the right params (see here:

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    Great, what to do in C++?
    Using map always orders the keys by alphabet, unordered_map ignores the order of the category list.

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    If using BigInteger is forbidden, you should say so in the description.

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    At least the first class of the test is already defined in the 'test' assembly. If I remove the check, I get an InvalidOperationException at the class with a random number in the name, stating that it is already defined in another assembly.
    Is this a bug?

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    It's not a question of liking the kata. The purpose of codewars shouldn't be teaching us bad coding practices.
    You haven't read the Kata best practices as well. They exist for a reason.

    Edit: You should stop marking issues as solved when they aren't. I mean, you ask what the author of the issue means and flag the issue resolved at the same time. That not only shows that you don't give a f... about what people think, it is also disrespectful and rude.

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    Same here, I get the following error:
    (len = 15)

    Expected different result:

    Expected string length 763 but was 882. Strings differ at index 21.

    Expected: "Lorem-----ipsum\ndolor\nsit\namet,\nconsectetur\nadipiscing\nelit.\n..."

    But was:  "Lorem-----ipsum\ndolor-------sit\namet,\nconsectetur\nadipiscing\n..."


    Edit: Don't blame me for this broken editor. I even inserted br-tags, which aren't ignored in preview...
    Edit2: I see now that this issue has been posted multiple times before.

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    An empty array in C# is achieved with e.g. "new int[0]".
    If you can't change the testing suite you should change the description to something like "if n==0, then return an array of length 1, containing only a 0".

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