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    Seems not. Please specify "some other languages".

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    @johnkershaw, I hope your students find their way and never get disappointed. please consider that the difficulty of kata is decided by whole community voting.

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    difficulty of a kata is defined based on community consensus, there is nothing I can do about it.

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    Alright, i'll look for a way. Just seems like there's no relation between the number the fruit type. It also doesn't seem like a 8 kyu question to me heh - Thought 8 kyu ones can be done brain dead easily.

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    Look at my first solution, out of your list of requirements, I used string/int conversion only.

    I didn't chop up a chunk of text into a dict (I used an eval, but this could easily be a for), I didnt use recursion (I used a plain old do while) and I didn't use Modulo.

    I whole heartedly disagree.

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    no, you don't have to.

    you can solve it with an 100-sized array, but it is not the only way.

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    I seriously have to grab that list of 100 random combination of numbers and words and put it into an array?

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    Seems like pre-written class name and method name is missing in Java as well as some other languages.