  • public class TowerOfHanoi
        public static int Tower(int numOfDisks)
                numOfDisks < 1 ? 0
                : tailRecursiveHanoi(numOfDisks);
            static int tailRecursiveHanoi(
                in int target,
                in int iteration = 1,
                in int lastRoundValue = 0
                ) =>
                iteration > target ?
                : tailRecursiveHanoi(
                    iteration + 1,
                    lastRoundValue: lastRoundValue * 2 + 1);
    • using System.Collections.Generic;
    • using System.Diagnostics;
    • public class TowerOfHanoi
    • {
    • public static int Tower(int numOfDisks)
    • {
    • //only numOfDisks is given, fill in the other gaps, call the other method that moves disks, and return the return statement from the other method
    • return Tower(numOfDisks, new Dictionary<int, int>());
    • }
    • return
    • numOfDisks < 1 ? 0
    • : tailRecursiveHanoi(numOfDisks);
    • private static int Tower(int n, Dictionary<int, int> cache)
    • {
    • //dictionary has keys and values.
    • if (n > 0) // if one or more disks
    • {
    • if (cache.ContainsKey(n)) //check if dictionary contains an element with the specified key
    • {
    • return cache[n];
    • }
    • //variable declared at method scope
    • //outcome will be the number of moves in test
    • var outcome = Tower(n - 1, cache); //move disk from rod to rod using recursion
    • outcome += Tower(n - 1, cache);
    • outcome += 1;
    • cache.Add(n, outcome);
    • return outcome;
    • }
    • else { //if no disks given, no moves possible
    • return 0;
    • }
    • static int tailRecursiveHanoi(
    • in int target,
    • in int iteration = 1,
    • in int lastRoundValue = 0
    • ) =>
    • iteration > target ?
    • lastRoundValue
    • : tailRecursiveHanoi(
    • target,
    • iteration + 1,
    • lastRoundValue: lastRoundValue * 2 + 1);
    • }
    • }
    • //mathematical way to calculate moves
    • //using System;
    • //static int moves = 0;
    • //method body
    • // return moves = (int) Math.Pow(2,numOfDisks)-1;
    • }