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    I love the way that you have to return two-dimensional array where all the elimination steps are included, good job and very fun kata.

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    It has literally nothing to humility, this kata only requires one formula that can be found by looking on the tests. Obviously, difficulty is subjective, but I'm comparing it to other 6kyu katas. Maybe I exaggerated with 8kyu rating, but in my opinion it's definitely not 6kyu.

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    This kata is kinda overrated, it should be definitely like 8kyu / 7kyu.

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    Pretty fun kata, I honestly like the way that final tests are case-sensitive.

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    This is definitely one of my favourite katas. I actually didn't use visualizer() function, but I'm sure this is a nice feature and it may be useful for some people. Also it looked kinda confusing to understand at first, but attached image helped a lot.