By using Object as a type here you may result in boxing of value-types. Better insted to use 'T prev = default(T)'.
its valid code - but in all itterations your code "substract lives" true or false is it
No longer correct, just had an issue with that
It works, and it's creative and concise, but I agree. It obscures the intention, which is for lives to be lost as a result of guessing wrong.
i love that one linebreak. because the line would be too long otherwise
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By using Object as a type here you may result in boxing of value-types. Better insted to use 'T prev = default(T)'.
its valid code - but in all itterations your code "substract lives" true or false is it
No longer correct, just had an issue with that
It works, and it's creative and concise, but I agree. It obscures the intention, which is for lives to be lost as a result of guessing wrong.
i love that one linebreak. because the line would be too long otherwise