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    Not an issue

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    Don't see what's the problem.

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    It's definitely your code, not the test. Sorry!

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    This is a problem for me editing haskell as well.

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    Struggling with exactly same thing. I'm not sure if this is due to using vim mode but indentation in python is driving me crazy. It's constantly complaining about wrong indentation even though I know it is correct.

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    This kata tests your solution with some very large numbers, where actually calculating the factorial would be a bit outside the bounds of reality. Fortunately there's a shortcut to just determining the number of trailing zeroes in a factorial, and this kata is really about figuring out that trick.

    Hint: think about what number you need to multiply something by to add a trailing zero.

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    I do not believe it is bugged. Based on the test output you gave, you are returing a list of characters, not integers.

    I can't debug it either way if I don't know what language you are using or what your code looks like. Would you mind sharing? You can mark the message as having spoiler content and it should be hidden.