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    What n parameter is for?

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    Instead of learning complex polish grammar you can always order beer as fallow:
    "Piwo X razy kurwa!". Where X is number of beers to order spelling always in nominative.

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    There is in description: 'Allowances may be made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers.'
    That impilcate that only numbers and case-insensitive letter are considered.

  • Default User Avatar

    Each time after submitting my solution I receive: Unknown error
    Run tests at least prints some errors: /tmp/java4463410058739788989/ error: cannot find symbol private final Counter counter;

    IMO it is not problem with this concrete Kata setup, but with java on code wars in general.

  • Default User Avatar

    I've solved that. Problem is with codewars not with this kata. This exception will apear when you delete "public" from class declaration.

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    After submitting solution I've got exception pointing to clojure invocation:

    java.lang.NullPointerException at clojure.lang.Symbol.intern( at clojure.core$symbol.invoke(core.clj:546) at codewars.util$class_name.invoke(util.clj:20) at codewars.util$write_code_BANG_.invoke(util.clj:41) at$fn__598.invoke(java.clj:69) at clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke( at codewars.runners$run.invoke(runners.clj:22) at codewars.core$_main$fn__608.invoke(core.clj:30) at at at

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    You can always see what expr you are validating by adding System.out.println

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    I've had the same problem. Just restart kata and try again.

  • Default User Avatar

    I have the same problem but with a global name 're':

    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Traceback: in in _sol NameError: global name 're' is not defined

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    It's good that you are not an Italian anymore.

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    Hey, i liked this kata so much that I prepared translation to Java :P.

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