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    it's the same test like the Java Variant. It has the same mistake.

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    the Java test you give is badly copied. The "Sample Test" is in fact:

    public void test1() {
    		int[] a = new int[]{121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11};
    		int[] b = new int[]{121, 14641, 20736, 361, 25921, 361, 20736, 361};
    		assertEquals(AreSame.comp(a, b), true); 

    1512 guys passed the Java kata.
    Maybe you could give the input arrays where you fail, your result and the expected result.
    31 guys out of a total of 9,958 passed the Rust kata as you could have seen at the top of the page.

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    I'm having problems at the same test, but from what I gather it should be false and not true. The problem is that both arrays are not the same (36100 is not the square of any of the items in a). But since it's asserted to be true (at least in Rust) I can't finish the kata.

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    the same here :)

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    Did you mutate the input arrays? :)