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    You tried to bully and harass with your rank, the tone/styling of your comment, while appearing to be innocent on the surface to anyone who didn't read the full conversation. There are many intelligent people who are wise to the way you hide your crimes and understand every aspect of your psychological warfare. Cease and Desist or I will continue with LEGAL ACTIONS to the proper authorities.

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    Look at TenC comment here. It demotivated him so much, he didn't make it past 8 kyu. This is why it's so important. The next comment is by a 3 kyu programmer, who additionally expressed much time was wasted.

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    That was only after the moderators recently updated it from the initial comment I left at the start of this thread. The comment you are responding to clearly stated to *read the comments of discussion, and not the description that has been recently changed.

    I've reported all three of you for gaming the system, providing false feedback to smear my comment, and for continuing harassment.

    I'm not sure what you don't understand about user feedback in the comments section. *You clearly didn't learn too well in primary school.

    Maybe after a nice reprimand from these comments I left, you will finally understand your website is not perfect and needs a lot of changes to improve user experience. Hopefully you will read and understand the comment from the user as well, indicating that the discourse comments are more telling than any bias feedback from abusive moderators who have overstepped their authority.

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    I am not here to be insulted or spoken to with such passive aggressive and gas light type comments. That is an insult to my intelligence to say that I have been misled because user's automate their choice of satisfaction after completing because of a human bias that appears, like submitting answers on a survey. The comment section is more telling to the user's experience, and that satisfaction rating can often be gamed by creating multiple accounts to pad their numbers. I have faced abuse from your moderators in the past before, so the way you are speaking is demeaning and unacceptable.

    If you would read the comment section below you would see that this is a major problem of codewars that users often experience. A major complaint amongst users where they are often found in the comments expressing their frustrations with descriptions and test cases. Not only this, but many other's are agreeing with the complaints that you say holds no weight? This is complete gas lighting type behavior and any type of this behavior is unacceptable according to Codewars TOS.

    While I do appreciate your update to the description, I do not think it is enough. Algorithms can become very complex and if you can teach someone about implementing mathematical formulas to reduce the big o notation time complexity of algorithms, this should be the key to helping beginners not become stressed out. Public education has many flaws and often times people get rushed through the system or become misguided because of other variables.

    Computer programming is one of the most complex areas of human knowledge and you must consider not everyone is a genius programmer or were guided correctly by their mentors. The field is very vast, complex, and there is tons of information to learn.

    If you can simplify the learning for beginners, this will improve their health, reduce their stress in the long run, avoid many of the negative experiences programmers face, and contribute to a better experience as beginner's start their journeys.

    If not, then we know you are clearly misleading people on purpose to create confusion.

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    Sometimes the descriptions can be overworded or underworded. Information theory and the beginning of words is a very cool subject to research if you can. If you see kata with bad descriptions, you can leave a suggestion in the discussion section to help improve the understanding of the goal for other Code Warriors.

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    This description was beyond confusing!

    This is how it should be written:

    1. Create a Base-Class/Parent Prototype and name it Human with attribute of name.

    2. Create Two Child Prototypes/Subclasses from your base class Human, using inheritance. Rename your new Child Prototypes/Subclasses; Man and Woman.

    3. Define an object named God with a method named, create. Within the create method, instantiate new objects of Man and Woman using
      your inherited Classes. Within your God object, return an array with a length of 2, containing your newly created Man and Woman.

    4. Alternatively, you may add to the original God class and redefine the create method.

    Considering the categorization as 8 kyu and we cannot change the difficulty, it is safe to assume beginner's have no experience creating objects or are familiar with OOP principles.

    Therefore, it is important to discuss more important discription info here because of such an incomprehensible design by the author.

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    You should definitely pass by this question until you are advanced with arrays and have learned about advanced array methods.

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    Since this is 8 kyu, the description should mention mathematical formulas.

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    Description should be rewritten like this =>

    -Calculate the total distance from the end of the first pillar to the beginning of the last pillar

    -Exclude the widths of the first and last pillars themselves

    -Convert meters to centimeters and return the total distance in centimeters

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    I do apologize for making this error. I had thought I could leave hints here.

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    Welcome to the new age of a.i. ^-^

    You're welcome!

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    ask chatGPT or an a.i.

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    This kata is a little more difficult as it involves nesting and in depth knowledge of return statements. A very helpful kata, thank again Codewars!

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