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    Lastly, updateTime delivered as input is a Date object and will always be after an order's depart time.

    And before the arrival time. This should be added to this sentence in the description.

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    Node version should be updated to latest version before approval, and missing sample tests.

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    Very nice kata!
    You could make some default test cases though, it's not a problem to declare objects down there.
    And if there's some stuff you don't want people to see you can just put it in the preloaded zone (i.e: if your code validation is made by checking the value against that of your own solution, just create a preloaded method doTest and just call it from the test cases section.

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    Apologies, as I've replied to dashersw below, the expected text is incorrect. I've corrected the test case now. You did get the right result except you're missing the rounding.

    I've stated in the description of the Position object that all coordinates must be integers (and rounded if nessesary). If this is not clear enough I can put it into the description itself?

    Also, I think your comment should be marked as a Spoiler but I won't do that until you've had a chance to see this reply :-)

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    Oh, the shame! The vicious goblins Copy & Paste have struck again :-)

    Apologies, the test case was correct but the helping text in the "expected" part was a copy of the previous test case (the halfway). I've updated the text in the test case so it shows the correct expected value.

    Thank you for spotting this :-)

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Is there a problem with the 1/3 test case? Its expectation is quite weird.

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    I'm having the same issue.

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    This is my first kata so any feedback is welcomed :)

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    Or possibly the test case is incorrect as it assumes the Cylon specifications would want to spell correct... it's all part of the plan ;-)

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    Are function objects and prototype references really a beginner's subject? I'm new around here and no expert to JS but have so far solved katas rated 3 levels higher than this "7 kyu" and yet found this much more difficult as it took me some time to wrap my head around understanding the function objects and prototype references. If you have that understanding already, this kata is obviously easy, but the question stands, is that knowledge really a beginner's subject?