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    random tests don't have a jeep > in the input

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    It is not clear how the travelled-distance percentage should be calculated.

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    The output type should be a tuple.

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    The task explanation should come before input spefications.

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    From sample tests:

    test.assert_equals(GMT_difference("34ºW", "02:04 AM", "12 HF"), ['01:04 AM', 'GMT-1'])
    test.assert_equals(GMT_difference("0ºW", "01:24 PM", "24 HF"), ['14:24', 'GMT-1'])
    test.assert_equals(GMT_difference("23ºW", "03:04 AM", "24 HF"), ['03:04 AM', 'GMT-0'])

     0 W -> -1  # usually 0° is on Greenwich meridian and has timezone GMT+0
    23 W -> 0
    34 W -> -1

    0°W and 34°W in the same timezone and 23°W in a different timezone?

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    ['10:07', 'GMT-4'] should equal ['24:07', 'GMT-2']

    24:07 ???

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    Having multiple different output types is bad.

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    Hi again,

    ['asdasd@gmail.uahooo.com.com.2'] should equal ['asdasd@gmail.uahooo']


     ...and @(at symbol) and words and a "." and more words in the end

    The validity of the 2 at the end may be discussed, but either the full string is invalid, or your solution insn't matching enough.

    Other point: dashes are valid in e-mails:

    ['YOURRNAME___---@nt.com'] should equal []


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    Tests labeled as random are NOT random.

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    • Nothing was fixed
    • Still a duplicate
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    No random tests. Someone can just harcode test suite.

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    the name of the functions to be completed is wrong (it's -> "two_oldest_ages", should be -> "valid_name", in this case)

    in sample tests you should make the user's function run and compare what it returns with a fixed value. -> no need to import your solution

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    hi, i think you should try to rewrite a bit the description in order to make it more coincise.

    Try to express (more) clearly which is the task and which characters are banned/notes.

    Furthermore, if you want, you could add the name of the language after the tree backticks in the example box.

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    no random tests

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