right, well noticed
If you test something in the sample tests, you should also test it in the fixed Tests. Actually I would remove 17 and 20 from the sample tests and only test this in the fixed tests.
I did it with n=17 because this is the sample of the other languages. But I changed it to n=20 :)
Sample tests test for n=17 but random tests only test up to n=16. Also n=20 is possible without overflowing long range.
Why StringBuffer instead of StringBuilder?
StringBuilder in this case is probably more performative, right?!
Great Solution,
I would include the locale, otherwise, the result could be in another language.
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("LLLL, d").withLocale(Locale.US).format(LocalDate.ofYearDay(isLeap ? 2020 : 2021, day))
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right, well noticed
If you test something in the sample tests, you should also test it in the fixed Tests. Actually I would remove 17 and 20 from the sample tests and only test this in the fixed tests.
I did it with n=17 because this is the sample of the other languages. But I changed it to n=20 :)
Sample tests test for
but random tests only test up ton=16
. Alson=20
is possible without overflowinglong
range.Why StringBuffer instead of StringBuilder?
StringBuilder in this case is probably more performative, right?!
Great Solution,
I would include the locale, otherwise, the result could be in another language.
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("LLLL, d").withLocale(Locale.US).format(LocalDate.ofYearDay(isLeap ? 2020 : 2021, day))
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