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    1.25 * 7.8 = 9.75 NOT 9.85 as the example shows. Just so you know.

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    Yes it should be there

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    Getting an error saying that numerator or denominator cannot be 0 but I already have an if-statement that throws an exception if either of them are 0's in the constructor. Why doesn't this work? What are you looking for to happen in this case??

    // The test I wrote just to see if the program throws an exception, and it does. Still won't let me submit though
    assertEquals("Numerator or Denominator cannot be zero", null, new Fraction(0,1));

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    Explanation of the problem is pretty horrible. Are we honestly expected to manually create an array with 100 fruits in it??

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    The java submission seems to be broken. I kept trying on my own to submit but it kept giving me null pointer exceptions so I gave up and looked at the solutions. After I looked at the solutions, I copy and pasted one then tried to submit that and it STILL gave an extremely long error code (Some referencing the codewars compiler, so many it's a compiler issue), even though I know 100% that the solution should have worked.