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    My previous comment got flaged as a spoiler. Since I can't remove the suggestion tag from it (even though I think that might be what got it flaged) here's an official suggestion.

    I suggest adding something to the effect of "the order of the stings in strarr should not be rearranged" to the description.

    I believe that's what most people's biggest miscommunication with this kata is.

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    It makes me sad that my original post is flaged as a spoiler. I don't understand why and, I can't remove it. Now, because of that, it won't be able to help anybody else.
    I'm very glad that my coment helped so many people before it got flaged as spoiler though!

    Edit: Yay it's un-flaged for now!

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    Keep the words in "strarr" in the same order as they're given to you. Then find the (first) longest string using "k" number of consecutive strings.

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    Very strange. Sorry I didn't get back around to this very quickly, life got hecktic. I'm glad it ended up working for you though!

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    What language are you using?
    I'm learning Python3. But, I think I might be able to help if I know what language to look for

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution