The sample test cases are still not working. You can pass the kata though.
Thanks for the report! I will ask the person who did the Swift translation to check it out.
Which language are you using?
One more
Some Random Resistor Value Tests : XCTAssertEqual failed: ("gray red green gold") is not equal to ("gray brown green gold") - Testing with 8.2M ohms
"gray brown green gold" is 8.1M
Met the issue with one of test cases as @pjleejr mentioned
Some Random Resistor Value Tests : XCTAssertEqual failed: ("yellow brown green gold") is not equal to ("yellow black green gold") - Testing with 4.1M ohms
"yellow black green gold" which would be 4.0M
Loading collection data...
The sample test cases are still not working. You can pass the kata though.
Thanks for the report! I will ask the person who did the Swift translation to check it out.
Which language are you using?
One more
"gray brown green gold" is 8.1M
Met the issue with one of test cases as @pjleejr mentioned
"yellow black green gold" which would be 4.0M