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    the lack of sample tests for Ruby has already been reported there

    here is a fork that adds them, along with random tests, Ruby 3.0 + RSpec, language-agnostic description

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    Codewars handles the "no example tests present" in a strange way, I've seen it on a couple of test suites when updating C# and JS kata. It looks like it's possible to have the example test snippets totally empty, but then strange things happen in the trainer and in the fork editor. Sometimes, the template is inserted, but it disappears when clicking RESET. Sometimes, the template is inserted and then shows up in the diff after publishing as added. So generally it's difficult to say if the template tests you see are there in the DB, and whether they will end up saved to the DB.

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    This is the current sample test code for ruby:

    # From Ruby 3.0, RSpec is used under the hood.
    # See
    # Defaults to the global `describe` for backwards compatibility, but `RSpec.desribe` works as well.
    describe "Example" do
      it "should return the sum" do
        expect(add(1, 1)).to eq(2)
        # The following is still supported, but new tests should now use them.
        # Test.assert_equals(add(1, 1), 2)

    Hitting the reset button empties the tests, but they were there upon opening it and they're there when pressing fork. Is it fully empty like the reset functionality suggests and is using a default?

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    copy your code then reset the trainer. You probably got an outdated version. If that's enough, don't forget to close the issue.

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    Tests still need to be updated to Ruby 3, but this specific issue is fixed.

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    Are you sure? This does not seem right. I created a solution which always returns "" and it passes 0 tests.

    EDIT: I think I can see the issue.

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    you think so?

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    Retired kata stay retired, and they cannot be brought back. Adding tests to a retired kata won't help it, but if you want you can still add them and ask for review on Discord if you want to train your authoring skills and get some practice before authoring your next challenge.

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    Retirement is permanent, but if you think you can improve it a lot to prevent retirement next time, you could simply create a new kata and copy your code across. However if the cause of retirement was people not finding it interesting enough, then simply adding random tests probably wont change that.

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    If you are interested with creating kata for Codewars, you can find following resources helpful:

    • Docs on authoring and articles linked from this stub,
    • My collection of authoring examples for ideas how to implement and organize tests,
    • Codewars Discord and its channels related to authoring.
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    Just a hunch, but beta is a ruthless process. If your kata isn't (nearly) perfect or interesting, or novel, from the start, chances are it will be downvoted. After so many downvotes, it's automatically retired. Without random tests, most power users will downvote immediately.

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