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    Might have been a CW issue

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    I've completed this kata and it's showing as such in my profile.

    But when I go to Solutions, I get:

    Solutions have been withheld
    Since you have not yet solved this kata we have hidden the solutions from you. If you choose to view the solutions you will forfeit your eligibility to earn honor/rank progress for this kata.

    I've shift-F5 refreshed the page. What do I need to do to get quick access to solutions after solving this kata?

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    I am printing the input and my output, there are some strange failed ones expecting ""

    input : "8"
    output: "1000"
    Expected: "", instead got: "1000"

    input : "9"
    output: "1001"
    Expected: "", instead got: "1001"

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    I just completed this exercise in Ruby and the tests seem to be OK.

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    please check the test cases of Ruby
    passing the coffeescript one but failed Ruby with identical logic

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Note: Any none numerical characters should be lower case

    should be:

    Note: Any non-numerical characters should be lower case