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    Assuming instructions are stored in 2D array x and y point to a single instruction, v should be an integer and you are responsible to change the single instruction to v character counterpart. In java it would look like that: arr[y][x] = (char) v.

    In case of "get" your task is to store on the stack v integer counterpart: stack.push( (int) arr[y][x])

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    @Calculating Nut: The other is older, but there was also some criticism there:

    I don't think this should be a 4kyu, or even a 5. Maybe a 6.

    Maybe it varies on what you background is, but to me that looks like a programming 101 exercise that we'd usually give to students as part of their exams after their first month. It's not entirely straightforward and there are many ways to approach it (but codewars doesn't rate that), but it's not really as difficult as what I'd rate a 4.

    There's a discussion how to handle rank changes in katas after their approval and ranks in general. That being said, this is a duplicate of the other one.

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    Is there anyone checking consistency for difficulty rankings?

    As far as I can tell, the two katas are identical, yet this one
    is 6kyu and the other is 4kyu.

    Also, both katas have Python and Javascript versions.

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    Seems like someone used the right-to-left mark. Just try to select the code from left to right. You'll notice that your selection behaves weird: there's an RLM right after the initial quote (").

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    Can some1 clarify how put and get are supposed to work? I tried looking up befunge documentations and everything but i don't understand how they are supposed to work:/

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    this is pure beauty!

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    this is exactly same as another kata:
    apart from being translated to different languages...

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    forgot that Jar.prototype.length there, I originally tried to use it for the pourOut method but soon realised that removing same amount from each would alter the concentrations and just forgot to remove it from the code:/

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    I think there is a problem with this kata. My code completes all the test cases but when i try to submit it passess all except the empty list, which my code returns an empty string for. The error just gives " Expected: , instead got: , " so i have no idea what to do. I tried to return null and empty arrays but none worked:/

    edit. i got it to work, it had to do with the object name being empty instead of just empty array:)
    Maybe give better info on the fail event it was really dumb trying to figure what's wrong when i felt it should have worked