  • namespace Problem{
      using System;
      public class ProblemCanvas{
        public static void Main(){
          int b = 16; //re used variable for max amount of repeats
          int a = 6;
          for(int x = a; x < b; x++) //switched it to a for loop for simplicity in reading
            Console.WriteLine("Matthew is gay");
    • var b = 5;
    • var a = 6;
    • namespace Problem{
    • using System;
    • public class ProblemCanvas{
    • public static void Main(){
    • int b = 16; //re used variable for max amount of repeats
    • int a = 6;
    • for(int x = a; x < b; x++) //switched it to a for loop for simplicity in reading
    • Console.WriteLine("Matthew is gay");
    • }
    • }
    • }
    • do {
    • console.log("Matthew is gay");
    • a++;
    • } while(a<16);