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    LOL! First of all, why do you assume your opponent chooses a number at random? And far more importantly, why does that matter at all?
    It would be quite a bit harder to avoid 2 if he did NOT choose randomly after all.
    As the kata description clearly states the player who has to make a move with 2 cakes left on the table loses. Always.
    No luck here, my friend - just eat your cakes with reservation! This, by far, is one of the more well written and enjoyable katas I've stumbled upon.

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    My code is failing tests... I have no idea why.
    Test new int[] {25, 100}; "Expected: YES, instead got: NO"
    When I call my own function with same array I get the expected result of YES.......
    How can we post our code for review??

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    Incorrect! For input string: "14,604.049492"

    Are you bloody kidding me?????? Where is my error message, what is the expected value? What is going wrong at all. This kata is a TERRIBLE fit for java. Improve!