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    that is how to learn, how to be better. goodluck

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    this one was very very hard! its impressive to see how much better everyone is able to do these :P

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    thought this would be pretty easy, but to my surprise this one was really hard!

    in hindsight it's because I just lack(ed) the knowledge of what was needed and how to use that to achieve the desired outcome.

    anyone else feel like they need to constantly be spoonfed the answer to be able to complete it? it very rarely happens that i am able to complete a kata without looking up most of the work.

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    this was a really fun one! :D

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    hehe, needed this after the previous one i did ;-;

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    this was the most unfun code problem i've done in my entire life. did not enjoy a second of it. ):

    but if you like math this might be something for you, i guess

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    this finally showed me that im improving around arrays! arrays have always been one of my programming enemies, but now im grasping my little hands around their NECK and NOT letting go >:3

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    wow, this was really really hard and took me almost 3 hours! I did learn a lot of new things, though. I like.

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    lol, i really struggled to understand the instructions (my bad, im dumb) which made this a lot harder than it should have. learned some new things too! I like.

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    This was my first ever kata! I struggled with it a bit and everyone else got a lot better solutions but it was a good exercise. I like.