I don't understand. on what principle to convert.
example :
convert("hello", Alphabet.ALPHA_LOWER, Alphabet.HEXA_DECIMAL); // should return "320048"
how from h --7 character Alphabet.ALPHA_LOWER , it turned out 4 character Alphabet.HEXA_DECIMAL ----3?? what are the rules/principles?
p.s. 4 days later. i'm crying , because i did it. thanks BattleRattle -- kata is beautifull!!!!
hard kata
p.s. but i find solution
Thanks! Really useful article. It helped to undestand.
https://habr.com/ru/post/124395/ - this help me
Could you please provide a hint about the logic in this case?
I don't understand. on what principle to convert.
example :
convert("hello", Alphabet.ALPHA_LOWER, Alphabet.HEXA_DECIMAL); // should return "320048"
how from h --7 character Alphabet.ALPHA_LOWER , it turned out 4 character Alphabet.HEXA_DECIMAL ----3?? what are the rules/principles?
p.s. 4 days later. i'm crying , because i did it. thanks BattleRattle -- kata is beautifull!!!!
kata like shit
nice! but /
console.log(prefill('3',0)); // [0]