The Random tests returns: new VersionManager("47.40.22").patch().rollback().minor().minor().rollback().patch().major().major() ==> expected: <49.0.0> but was: <2.0.0>
but when I execute this code in local mode, it returns the correct and expected result <49.0.0>.
What difference does it make if my algorithm, as a result of calculations, replaced this sequence "+<->" with a similar one "<->+" ? Or this "<<--<-<+>--+" (8 lines in C) to the optimized "<<--<--<+>" (7 lines in C) ?
Why is kata hardcoded to one C variant, not realizing that other variant (smaller or equal in number of lines) can lead to the same calculation results? O_o
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The Random tests returns:
new VersionManager("47.40.22").patch().rollback().minor().minor().rollback().patch().major().major() ==> expected: <49.0.0> but was: <2.0.0>
but when I execute this code in local mode, it returns the correct and expected result
.Could you help me, please? Thanks!
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What difference does it make if my algorithm, as a result of calculations, replaced this sequence "+<->" with a similar one "<->+" ? Or this "<<--<-<+>--+" (8 lines in C) to the optimized "<<--<--<+>" (7 lines in C) ?
Why is kata hardcoded to one C variant, not realizing that other variant (smaller or equal in number of lines) can lead to the same calculation results? O_o
Great implementation class Pos ^_^
P.S. Чуть не так понял условие. В итоге мой код находит не самое первое совпадение суммы, а сумму элементов с минимальным расстоянием между ними =)
Fixed. Your solution is returning None when a string is expected. I added an explicit check for this.
It was difficult but very interesting kata. Thanks)