Great kata! One python class can handle any of numeral system! Remember in my time, it were couple hours at University to learn binary, octal, hexadecimal numeral system and convertion to and from decimal....Mostly time was justified because of future undestanding of all kind of assemblers... So, here is just one class. Well done kata! Thank you very much, Dundee!
Tried lots of 'evil' task and everything going well on home computer with time less than 100 ms... but when tried to Attempt it's steady giving time out?
me too... i have no idea.
Great kata! One python class can handle any of numeral system! Remember in my time, it were couple hours at University to learn binary, octal, hexadecimal numeral system and convertion to and from decimal....Mostly time was justified because of future undestanding of all kind of assemblers... So, here is just one class. Well done kata! Thank you very much, Dundee!
Tried lots of 'evil' task and everything going well on home computer with time less than 100 ms... but when tried to Attempt it's steady giving time out?
it's bad...