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    I really don't understand why "gaslighting" is offensive. Yes, Trump was accuesed of "gaslighting" but you could just as easily have said he was "fooling" or "misleading" them. I can, however, understand that it is somewhat less clear (being a term from a vintage movie).

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    There is no apparent controversy of the term on wikipedia, but I think I found a possible reason why some people might be triggered from source

    Dr. Stern attributes some of the rise of usage (and misusage) of the term gaslighting to former president Donald Trump. In 2017, journalism professor Ben Yagoda wrote in The Chronicle of Higher Education that the word gaslighting had increased in usage as a reaction to Trump's behavior, stating the former president had a habitual tendency to, "say 'X', and then, at some later date, indignantly declare, 'I did not say "X". In fact, I would never dream of saying "X".'" By ignoring reality and perpetuating his own narrative—despite facts proving otherwise—he sought to gaslight the American people to accept his reality as the only reality.

    Anyway, I hope Codewars does not end end up like StackExchange, where the language police took over by the tongue of Sara Chipps.

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    Is Andala seriously that offended by the word "gaslight" ?

    Are there any other words we should avoid? Black, with or without capital? Deaf, same? Human, same? Irony, same? Should we call wars "police actions," or maybe "special military operations" ?

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    Done! :D