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    Hello! I simply want to ask people who has been programming for awhile (preferably with work experience) wether they find Linq to be a best practice or not? I'm a C++ programmer so boiler code and complexity is nothing new to me. Which is also why I prefer to write function bodies with regular loops/recursion. But linq has the advantage of one liners and looking amazing, but often suffer in performance and at time clearity for larger queries. So I'm asking the precent Linq spokes-ppl and us performance maniacs to endulge in a conversation of pros and cons :)

    I'll Start:

    I find Linq to be an amazing tool, providing both clarity (more often then not), one line syntax, easier querries and easier maintanability. But at the same time it suffers greatly in performance, and as a C++ developer in his Core, I enjoy performance and cache locality. Which Is why I often prefer the use of regular iterations through loops and recursion (call me conservative if you like). But Linq is something I still enjoy using for fetching data especially collections since those add operations tend to be nasty.