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    Your task is to make two functions

    Read the specs first.

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    Thanks Vicky. If it wasn't because of you I wouldn't have understood it at all!
    Such a vague description

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    This one was quite the test of thinking skills. It's probably my favorite kata I've done so far. I'm not super sure it's on a 7 level, but I guess one could say it is "just" accessing arrays and formatting strings. Though, the thoughts that have to go in to this one are a bit more advanced. Technically, this could all be done in one line, but that would super sacrifice readability. Personally, I think I would have preferred to break this down further than I did. I think it would have made more sense to at least pull out the month to date mess.

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    Exactly. This is why I gave such an in depth issue comment. I had no expectation that something from 6 years ago was going to get a revamp. I fured it would be helpful to define the issue then give a possible solution. I'm not a newbie and I was still very much lost on the requirements.

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    I agree with him, the description is failing entirely from a complete understanding. The vague nature of your description is a failing of the Kata, if one has to come here to understand the description of what is being asked it is clearly an issue. This has been an issue for going on 6 years... perhaps another fresh set of eyes is needed to understand why it is confusing. Especially for only a 7kyu.

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    Sorry, not a kata issue. At most a suggestion...

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    Previous terminology made me question if user was supposed to ignore the casing or if the program was. Changed up the wording.

    - "moOse" --> false (ignore letter case) 
    + "moOse" --> false (pay attention to letter case)
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    Smart move. I like the addition of the beatmap. That would definitely have helped cleanup my solution. It's more readable and cleaner

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    • added more realistic and relatable examples
    • cleaned up tests
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    Fixed up with examples that are less abstract and more relatable

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    • add sample test case for negative int args
    • add note to not worry about dealing with 0
    • add param for solution setup
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    For any kata, if you feel that there is some confusion about the details in the description, feel free to propose changes to the description using the suggestion flag. Best of luck!

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    Totally valid. That makes sense. Though, a bit confusing. Also, I think I need to look back at my solution

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