It is second hour ... Please explain me in English, whats wrong ? I find max length and min length. Max-min -> it is Max differense. It works for first test in example, but doesn't work for second ... (
Who can explain me? Should I find the longest string in 2 arrays, or longest string among choosen in the test ? What it is supposed to do in English ? ))
You need to find the 'maximum string length differences' between the two string arrays. Hint: max string length =/= max string array differences.
Perfect solution
for all accasions ))
Хорош !!!
Cool kata, but after 5 hours I have a problems with stack
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
Still thinking how to work with n>6000!
I spent 3 hours and Execution Timed Out (16000 ms) in Random Tests (((
It is second hour ... Please explain me in English, whats wrong ? I find max length and min length. Max-min -> it is Max differense. It works for first test in example, but doesn't work for second ... (
Who can explain me? Should I find the longest string in 2 arrays, or longest string among choosen in the test ? What it is supposed to do in English ? ))
I read it 5 times, and can't what I should to do ... This is awful description ((
Print the input.
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You're right. About one hour of my time spent to google, how to round Double ... ((( I don't khow, what I should study, doing it
I found the way to solve this problem !!!! ))
There is a bug in this Kata. 59.99 we should round to 60, and 166.66 we should round to 166 How did anyone solve this problem in Kotlin ?
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