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    @zLuki 2 substractions and 2 divisions? what if the sequence is consistent at the start but not in the middle? What if it the sequence breaks at the end of the sequence? They won't be a valid AP/GP anymore. Thus, you have to loop through the entire list to check. 2 check is not enough

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    [0, 1, 0, 1, 0] --> 0 # none

    Maybe -1?

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    Enforced 1 liner solutions will give this a 5, otherwise a 8 :)

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    Can you please make this a 6kyu one. Because I haven't seen any question as hard as this in 7kyu's.

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    I thought it was a 6kyu one. But the person approved it put it as 7kyu I guess. I cant do anything.

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    Too difficult to be a 7kyu.

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    No more issues, so we can approve?

    Looks good :)

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    [189, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    -1 should equal 0
    [681, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    -1 should equal 0
    [511, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    -1 should equal 0
    [188, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    -1 should equal 0
    [27, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    -1 should equal 0

    The tests are wrong again.

    Are you just changing stuff at random hoping that this time it will be correct?

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    It is correct. You can go and read any article on AP and GP.

    No it is not. The Wikipedia article on arithmeric progressions doesn't list any limitations for a_1 or d, and googling for "arithmetic progression zero difference" gives results stating that a_1 = d = 0 is valid.

    Also, it is amusing to hear this from a person who expected a list of zeros to be classified as a geometric progression when, according to Wikipedia (at least), it isn't actually one.

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    I am no math guy and the only source I used is Wikipedia, but from what I;ve read there:

    • in a definition of an arithmetic progression, difference d is not constrained in any way and can be 0.
    • in a definition of a geometric progression, ratio r is defined to be different than 0.

    If these rules are correct, it would mean that:

    • [42, 0] is a valid arithmetic progression with d=-42. It's not a valid geometric progression, because r would be 0
    • [42, 0, 0] is not a valid arithmetic progression, and it's not a valid geometric progression because r would be 0
    • [0, 0, 0] is a valid arithmetic progression with d=0. I am not sure if it's a valid geometric progression or not, because r can be anything, be it 0 or not. I think it's not a GP, I am not sure though.
    • [42, 42, 42] is a valid arithmetic progression with d=0. It's also a valid geometric progression with a ratio of 1
    • [-42, 42, -42, 42] would not be an arithmetic progression, but a valid geometric progression with r=-1

    So basically cases with [x, 0, ...more zeros...] are nasty edge cases, because:

    • when x is 0, it's AP but not a GP (examples: [0, 0], [0, 0, 0]). It's also different than [x ,x, x] because for x != 0 it's both AP and GP (example: [42, 42, 42])
    • when x is not 0, things depend on its length
      • when length is 2, it's AP but not GP (example: [42, 0])
      • when length is more than 2, it's neither AP nor GP (example: [42, 0, 0])

    Things depend on defintion, and maybe there are other definitions than ones I found on Wikipedia. But cases with trailing zeros are really tricky because answer depends on what's the first term, and what's the length of the progression.

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